CompSci Blogs

August 2023 to June 2024

View the Project on GitHub IshanCornick/new_student

28 August 2023

Web Programming

Home HTML JavaScript DOM Data Types JS Debugging

A guide to basic concepts in Web Notebook

How to import this setup into your student repository

Seeing javascript console output in visual studio

Home HTML JavaScript DOM Data Types JS Debugging

A guide to basic concepts in Web Notebook

  • Making a menu
  • Use menu to Guide topics
  • Make your own custom page and menu
  • Making a page dynamic through JavaScript
  • Review usage of Styles in GitHub Pages

How to import this setup into your student repository

  • NOTE: To copy files between repostories, open two vscode windows and you can drag and drop
  • Copy the file _includes/nav_basics.html into the _includes folder of your student repository
    • This creates the navigation between the different pages in the Web Dev Basics
  • Copy the following files from _notebooks into your _notebooks folder
    • 2023-03-28-basics-home.ipynb, 2023-03-28-basics-html.ipynb, 2023-03-29-basics-of-js.ipynb, 2023-08-30-basics-of-js-data-types.ipynb, 2023-08-30-basics-js-with-html.ipynb, 2023-09-20-1_4-js-errors.ipynb
  • In the basics homepage (2023-03-28-basics-home.ipynb), you need to make an edit
    • In the top cell, modify the courses to say { compsci: { week: 5 } } (this will move this into your schedule page)

Seeing javascript console output in visual studio

  • When printing outputs from javascript to the console you will need to open the developer console
    • Go to Help->Toggle Developer Tools and click console on the top bar of the developer window