CompSci Blogs

August 2023 to June 2024

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21 September 2023

Week 4 Review Ticket

I made teams of 4 with Myself, Abdoula, Lincoln, and Sergi. I watched the college board videos. The Scrum master, Abdoula, assigned us jobs and I had to build Tester functions with inputs and outputs. Overall, tester functions are a crucial part of software development, helping to ensure that code behaves as intended and continues to do so even as the codebase evolves over time. They provide confidence that changes to the code do not introduce new bugs or regressions. This code structure follows the principles of unit testing, where you have a function and a corresponding set of tests to verify its behavior in different scenarios. This helps ensure that the function works as expected under various conditions.

I made teams of 4 with Myself, Abdoula, Lincoln, and Sergi. I watched the college board videos. The Scrum master, Abdoula, assigned us jobs and I had to build Tester functions with inputs and outputs. Overall, tester functions are a crucial part of software development, helping to ensure that code behaves as intended and continues to do so even as the codebase evolves over time. They provide confidence that changes to the code do not introduce new bugs or regressions. This code structure follows the principles of unit testing, where you have a function and a corresponding set of tests to verify its behavior in different scenarios. This helps ensure that the function works as expected under various conditions.