CompSci Blogs

August 2023 to June 2024

View the Project on GitHub IshanCornick/new_student

14 September 2023

Week 3 Review Ticket

Summary of Accomplishments and troubles I had

I have been updating the file and have finished my front page I had encountered problems at the very start and a major problem being how I had not installed WSL Ubuuntu properly, WSL kept showing up with “root” so as a result I had to restart everything and reinstall the whole thing again. I am not certain, but I think the problem was when I made my username as I put the wrong one so I tried uninstalling, but I did not uninstall all the way so I looked up videos for help over the weekend until I eventually got it working. I had also encountered problems with inserting videos becasue when I was inserting the links, I did not realise they had to be embeded links so the videos would not work as it would say that the link is not found. As far as inserting pictures, I was struggling when copying the “link” to the picture as I did not realise when you drag and drop the photo into images you have to copy relative path. I made my website and have pushed many changes to it and have added a snake game to the front page.

Summary of Accomplishments and troubles I had

I have been updating the file and have finished my front page I had encountered problems at the very start and a major problem being how I had not installed WSL Ubuuntu properly, WSL kept showing up with “root” so as a result I had to restart everything and reinstall the whole thing again. I am not certain, but I think the problem was when I made my username as I put the wrong one so I tried uninstalling, but I did not uninstall all the way so I looked up videos for help over the weekend until I eventually got it working. I had also encountered problems with inserting videos becasue when I was inserting the links, I did not realise they had to be embeded links so the videos would not work as it would say that the link is not found. As far as inserting pictures, I was struggling when copying the “link” to the picture as I did not realise when you drag and drop the photo into images you have to copy relative path. I made my website and have pushed many changes to it and have added a snake game to the front page.